• Psychological assessment

    Make sure they really fit

Part of the search and selection process at Interim Adria is usually also the psychological assessment. It is a significant contribution to the overall assessment of the candidate and the assessment of whether there are enough mutual points between the future role and the candidate for a successful career story.

Psychological assessment is not the tool that only our partners in the search and selection process can benefit from. It is something that many candidates reach for when changing the career or deciding what to do next on their professional path. Usually we do these kinds of services within career counselling or when you may want to learn more about yourself and find your strongest areas and find out where you can improve.

Psychological assessment is based on the results of various psychological tests and questionnaires as well as an in-depth psychological interview. The selection of tests is carefully planned as this is the only way to identify the candidate's strong and weak areas relevant to the job position. We only use reliable and valid psychological aids that are professionally tailored and standardized for the Slovenian cultural and speech field. We use tests and questionnaires to investigate the general character traits and character traits in the work environment, intellectual potentials, motivation, interests and competences, as these are areas that are important for an employer when deciding to hire a new employee. Based on such in-depth assessment, we are more likely to predict an individual's behaviour and performance in the working environment, which is crucial for the employer as it with the right people in the right job ensures his competitiveness on the market.


Slovenia: Zaloška cesta 69, 1000 Ljubljana

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